With the trust and support of the Official College of Real Estate Agents.
The APIs are real estate agents, qualified professionals recognized by the Administration, offering the maximum guarantees so that any operation in the real estate market is carried out successfully. The professional performance of an API is subject to control by its Official Association, which provides transparency and security for users. The intervention of an API is a guarantee of professionalism and security in your real estate operation. Their impartiality, together with their professionalism and preparation, will guarantee the success of your real estate operation. The APIs offer you great advantages over other real estate intermediaries. We are professionals with real estate qualifications that allow us to perform our function optimally and professionally.
As API's we can carry out professional real estate valuations of both residential properties and rural properties, necessary for different operations of different types. API Real Estate Agents will help you know the real market price of your property, based on our internal market evolution statistics. Our high professionalism and preparation is your best guarantee. We can also issue different types of certificates necessary in real estate intermediation, for example Energy Certificates.
We can help you in your relationship with other companies in the sector in your real estate operation such as: developers, builders, banking entities, official organizations, etc. Our profession is intermediation. We get the parties to reach an agreement with a greater probability of success than when individuals try to do so without our intervention.
An API offers professionalism in all real estate transactions. An API looks after the interests and rights of consumers and puts all knowledge about the market and legislation at the service of its users, mediating the interests of both parties. An API endorses the transparency of real estate appraisals and provides its experience and preparation in the actual valuation of the property. An API acts with discretion, loyalty and effectiveness in all operations. An api masters negotiation techniques.